John "Jack" Irwin Johnson, PhD

- Anatomy
- Neuroanatomy & Neuroscience
For more than 50 years, Dr. Johnson fostered the spirit and tenacity for excellence that marks MSU scientific scholarship. Seemingly a permanent fixture at MSU, he joined the MSU community in 1965 and actively contributed across colleges and departments. First, in the Biophysics, Psychology, and Zoology Departments (Associate Professor 1965- 1969, Professor, 1969-1981), with a stint from 1973-1978 as Chairman of the Biophysics Department. Then, as Professor, in the Anatomy Department and Neuroscience Program (1981-1998), and Radiology Department and Neuroscience Program (1999-2017). Dr. Johnson’s academic path began when graduating in 1952 with a degree in Philosophy (Magna Cum Laude) from the University of Notre Dame. A Ph.D. in Psychology followed in 1957 from Purdue University.
After serving as an Instructor and Assistant Professor at Marquette University in Milwaukee until 1960, he began comparative Electrophysiology research at the University of Wisconsin with Drs. CN Woolsey, WI Welker, and HF Harlow, until 1964. Then, after spending a year on a Fulbright-Hays Scholarship in Sydney, Australia with Dr. PO Bishop, he joined MSU in 1965.
Jack's lab at MSU was a training ground for many students that went on to distinguished careers of their own in neuroscience. He stimulated individual exploration by encouraging free inquiry and saw the potential in everyone. He gave of himself to us all through his generosity.
"You never have time. You either make time or take time"
- John "Jack" Irwin Johnson
Brain Biodiversity Bank
Michigan State University continues to host the Brain Biodiversity Bank. This website offers, among other features, online atlases of stained sections of the brains of humans and sheep that are used worldwide as class materials in human medicine, veterinary medicine, and biomedical sciences. The human atlas includes corresponding MRI images.